How Have You Adapted Marketing Tactics in Response to Algorithm Changes on Major Platforms?


    How Have You Adapted Marketing Tactics in Response to Algorithm Changes on Major Platforms?

    In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead means adapting to frequent algorithm changes. We've gathered insights from a diverse range of experts, including marketing agency CEOs and SEO Consultants. From leveraging long-form content to shifting to niche targeting, explore how seasoned marketing professionals ensure their strategies stay resilient and relevant.

    • Leverage Long-Form Content and Interactive Tools
    • Increase Engagement with Instagram Stories
    • Improve Content Quality and UX
    • Prioritize Thought Leadership
    • Align Content to Search Generative Experience
    • Optimize Local SEO
    • Shift to Producing Authoritative Content
    • Ensure Seamless Experiences with React
    • Tailor CTA Language
    • Foster Community Participation
    • Prioritize Answer Engine Optimization
    • Invite User-Generated Content
    • Strategically Partner with Micro-Influencers
    • Fortify Topical Authority for SEO Agility
    • Diversify Content Across Platforms
    • Leverage Novel Technologies
    • Minimize AI Tool Use
    • Shift to Niche Targeting

    Leverage Long-Form Content and Interactive Tools

    Recognizing the increased emphasis of LinkedIn's algorithm on 'dwell time'—the amount of time users spend viewing content on their platform—I led the shift in our content strategy from bite-sized to long-form, insightful articles. The idea was to engage users for a longer duration, enabling us to tap into the peculiarities of the new algorithm and drive more visibility for our brand. This was a bold step away from the norm of short, succinct updates that we had been accustomed to. Incorporating more engaging, deep-dive content about our industry, user success stories, and thought leadership pieces fostered increased interaction from our followers, keeping them on our content longer and, in turn, increasing our visibility.

    However, understanding that merely posting long-form content could potentially lead to user fatigue, I aggressively promoted the use of LinkedIn's native tools such as polls, Q&As, and live videos to further increase 'dwell time.' These interactive tools not only piqued the interest of our audience but also allowed for multi-dimensional conversation streams. This unique blend of engagement methods served to keep our content fresh and engaging, leading to an increased organic reach amidst the changing algorithmic environment. The positive result resides not just in terms of broad numbers, but also in the quality of interaction and lead generation made possible due to our proactive adaptation.

    Will Yang
    Will YangHead of Growth & Marketing, Instrumentl

    Increase Engagement with Instagram Stories

    When Instagram changed its algorithm to favor posts with higher engagement, we noticed a drop in our post visibility. To tackle this, we started using Instagram Stories more actively. We ran weekly Q&A sessions where followers could ask us anything about our products.

    This tactic increased our engagement significantly. Followers started interacting with us more, asking questions, and sharing our Stories. As a result, our overall engagement improved, and our regular posts started getting more visibility again. This hands-on approach helped us stay relevant on the platform despite the algorithm changes.

    Ilija Sekulov
    Ilija SekulovMarketing & SEO, Mailbutler

    Improve Content Quality and UX

    In response to Google's Core Algorithm updates, I've doubled down on my commitment to continuously improving content quality and enhancing website user experience (UX) to better align with evolving search engine requirements.

    Understanding that Google prioritizes content that is valuable, relevant, and user-friendly, I've made it a priority to regularly audit and refine existing content to ensure it meets these criteria. This involves crafting content that genuinely addresses user needs and provides comprehensive solutions to customer pain points.

    I've also placed significant emphasis on website UX and optimizing the user journey. This includes streamlining navigation, improving page load speed, and enhancing mobile responsiveness to provide a seamless and intuitive browsing experience.

    Jack Genesin
    Jack GenesinSEO Consultant, Jack Genesin Consulting

    Prioritize Thought Leadership

    In our design agency, keeping pace with LinkedIn's algorithm is essential. Their focus on user-generated content led us to adapt our strategy. We now prioritize thought-leadership posts—sharing design insights or industry trends in engaging formats like polls or listicles. This sparks discussions and encourages user participation. Additionally, we actively participate in relevant LinkedIn groups, offering valuable insights and establishing ourselves as design experts. This data-driven approach ensures our agency remains visible and connects with potential clients on LinkedIn, solidifying our reputation as a thought leader in the design community.

    Juan Carlos Munoz
    Juan Carlos MunozCo-Founder, CC Creative Design

    Align Content to Search Generative Experience

    In response to Google's recent updates, particularly its shift towards a Search Generative Experience and deeper integration of AI, we at Centime have adapted our marketing tactics to focus more on quality content that genuinely answers user queries. Recognizing that Google now prioritizes content that aligns closely with user intent and provides substantial value, we've shifted our strategy to include more comprehensive, authoritative articles and resources. This approach involves not only optimizing for keywords but also ensuring that our content contextually addresses the nuances of our audience's needs. By aligning our content more closely with these AI-driven search criteria, we enhance our visibility and relevance in search results, helping us to maintain a competitive edge in the fast-evolving fintech landscape. This strategy ensures we stay ahead of algorithm changes and continue to engage our audience effectively.

    Aimie Ye
    Aimie YeDirector of Content Marketing, Centime

    Optimize Local SEO

    One specific adaptation I've implemented in response to Google's algorithm changes focuses on the local SEO front, which is fundamental for small businesses. When Google updated its algorithm to prioritize locality and relevancy, my team at SEM by Design took immediate action. We dove deep into local business listings, ensuring that all entries were not only updated with accurate business information but also optimized with locally relevant keywords and high-quality imagery.

    Secondly, reputation management became a larger focus. With algorithm changes emphasizing genuine user reviews and interactions, we encouraged our clients to actively seek customer feedback, which we then strategically integrated across their digital platforms. This not only improved their local search visibility but also enhanced trust with prospective customers, a crucial factor for small businesses competing against larger chains.

    Lastly, in our paid advertising projects, algorithm shifts prompted us to refine our targeting strategies significantly. We recognized that broad, unfocused campaigns were less effective under the new criteria favoring relevance and user engagement. Thus, we implemented more granular geo-targeting and demographic segmentation in our Google Ads setups for small businesses. This approach not only maximizes ad spend but also increases the chance of reaching genuinely interested local customers, aligning perfectly with the updated Google algorithm priorities. These adaptations have been pivotal in fostering small business growth and navigating through the changing digital landscape efficiently.

    Steven Morse
    Steven MorseOwner, SEM by Design

    Shift to Producing Authoritative Content

    In response to Google's Helpful Content update, we at Raincross had to rethink our approach to SEO and content strategy extensively. This algorithm significantly favored content that was deemed useful and engaging to users, pushing us to enhance the quality and relevance of our articles. For instance, we shifted from generating generic content to producing in-depth, researched material that addressed specific queries and needs of our audience.

    One effective adaptation was the integration of detailed case studies and user guides into our content mix. These pieces not only offered value to our readers but also positioned our website as an authority, which is crucial under the new algorithm. Analyzing the performance metrics post-update, we saw a measurable increase in our organic search rankings and user engagement, affirming the importance of aligning with algorithmic demands for quality and user-focused content.

    Additionally, to leverage the new algorithm's emphasis on user experience, we optimized our website's navigability and mobile responsiveness. Tools like Google's Lighthouse were instrumental in identifying and mitigating issues related to site speed and user interface, which directly contributed to enhanced SERP positions post-update. This proactive stance not only catered to the search algorithm's criteria but also significantly improved our site visitors' overall experience, impacting both retention and conversion rates positively.

    Kevin Watts
    Kevin WattsPresident & Founder, Raincross

    Ensure Seamless Experiences with React

    In 2019, I redesigned the search experience for 33 online marketplaces using React components, focusing on boosting user engagement and search functionality. This experience was pivotal when Google introduced its algorithm update emphasizing user experience and site interactivity. I immediately applied similar principles to Adaptify AI's platform, enhancing the interactivity of content and streamlining navigation processes. The result was an improvement in user dwell time and a reduction in bounce rate, signaling a positive response from both the algorithm and the users.

    Additionally, at Adaptify AI, we closely monitored Google's E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) metrics introduced in their recent updates. Recognizing the need for authoritative and reliable content, we leveraged our 'Wiki' Mode to generate content that was not only factually accurate but also comprehensive and link-rich. This adaptation proved effective by significantly improving our content’s ranking and visibility on Google, as it aligns perfectly with what the algorithm prioritizes.

    When React components became a viable solution for improving site structure while also maintaining agility in user interface updates, we harnessed this technology for quick adaptations. For instance, when Google shifted towards favoring mobile-first indexing, our focus shifted towards optimizing our interface for mobile users without compromising on desktop functionality. By employing responsive React components across Adaptify AI’s platforms, we ensured seamless user experiences across all devices, which resulted in enhanced mobile traffic and a stronger presence in mobile searches. This adaptability not only catered to the algorithm’s requirements but also significantly boosted user engagement and session duration.

    Hansjan Kamerling
    Hansjan KamerlingCo-Founder, Adaptify AI

    Tailor CTA Language

    In 2016, Facebook implemented its 'reactions' feature. Previously, users were only able to 'like' posts, but this update gave them more options to quickly interact with content by expressing love, anger, surprise, laughter, or sadness. Facebook then began to monitor behavior surrounding reactions and found that users seem to care and engage more with posts they choose to react to rather than those they simply liked. This eventually led to a change in the Facebook algorithm where posts that receive more reactions over likes are prioritized in users' timelines.

    In the past, one frequent phrase I would start off my calls to action with was 'like this post.' To adapt my marketing tactics to Facebook's algorithm change, I switched to encouraging my audience to use specific reactions with calls to action like, 'love this post if it made you smile' or 'wow react if you learned something new!' Switching to this tactic helps me elicit more reactions from my audience and ensures my content stays at the top of their feeds.

    Nicole Gabrail
    Nicole GabrailMarketing Coordinator, Achievable

    Foster Community Participation

    When Instagram implemented changes prioritizing content engagement and visibility based on user interaction, my team at AQ Marketing quickly recognized the need to pivot our approach. We shifted from simply posting visually appealing content to creating posts that encourage active participation from the audience. For example, we incorporated more polls, quizzes, and interactive stories into our strategy for a home-improvement client, aiming to foster a community discussion around renovation tips and design choices. This adjustment not only adhered to the new algorithm criteria but also led to a 30% increase in engagement, proving the substantive impact of marrying content with interactive elements.

    Additionally, the introduction of Instagram's algorithmic preference for video content, such as Reels and IGTV, pushed us to intensify our focus on these formats. We began producing short, informative videos showcasing quick home-improvement tips or DIY projects, which resonated well with our audience's preference for concise, actionable content. These videos performed markedly better in terms of visibility and engagement compared to traditional image posts.

    For a more technical tweak, we optimized our hashtag usage by incorporating a mix of broad and niche-specific hashtags. This strategy diversified our reach, connecting with different user groups and tapping into micro-communities interested in specific renovation styles or DIY solutions. By analyzing engagement rates and tweaking our hashtag strategy continuously, we maximized reach and relevancy in line with Instagram's changing algorithms.

    Robert P. Dickey
    Robert P. DickeyPresident and CEO, AQ Marketing

    Prioritize Answer Engine Optimization

    One way I've adapted my marketing tactics in response to algorithm changes on a major platform is by prioritizing Answer Engine Optimization (AEO). With the increasing use of voice search and digital assistants, it's important to optimize our content to provide direct answers to user queries. At my company, we've shifted our editorial calendar to feature question-focused content aligned with AEO principles. By creating content that directly addresses user questions and concerns, we aim to position ourselves as the primary source for digital assistants to improve our visibility.

    Neil Hodgson-Coyle
    Neil Hodgson-CoyleCOO, TechNews180

    Invite User-Generated Content

    In response to algorithm changes on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, which significantly emphasize user engagement and content quality, we at Intrabuild had to rethink our digital marketing strategies. Noticing that these platforms were prioritizing posts that generated user interaction, we shifted our focus towards creating content that not only showcased our remodeling projects but also invited community participation. We started featuring before-and-after photos and time-lapse videos of our projects, prompting our followers to comment on their favorite transformations or suggest what they would love to see next. This not only increased our engagement rates but also enhanced our visibility and client inquiries.

    Moreover, we adopted a more interactive approach by conducting live Q&A sessions where I personally answered questions about remodeling challenges and design choices. This direct interaction not only fostered a stronger connection with our audience but also significantly increased our content's reach and engagement, leveraging the algorithm's preference for live video content.

    To further align with these platform algorithms, we also encouraged user-generated content. We invited our clients to share their own before-and-after stories and tag us, which we then featured on our profiles. This strategy not only provided us with additional, authentic content but also amplified our reach organically, as these posts were shared within our clients' networks, effectively multiplying the visibility of our work without additional advertising spend. Through these adapted strategies, we managed to maintain a robust digital presence and connect more effectively with our target audience, turning algorithmic challenges into engagement opportunities.

    Nick Chatzigeorgakis
    Nick ChatzigeorgakisCEO, Intrabuild

    Strategically Partner with Micro-Influencers

    In response to algorithm changes on a major platform, we innovatively employed 'micro-influencers' to amplify our marketing efforts. Recognizing the platform's emphasis on authentic content and community engagement, we strategically partnered with individuals who had smaller but highly engaged followings within our niche. Rather than targeting high-profile influencers with millions of followers, we identified micro-influencers whose audiences closely aligned with our target demographic. These influencers had a more personal connection with their followers, fostering trust and authenticity in their recommendations. By collaborating with micro-influencers to create genuine, relatable content featuring our products or services, we tapped into their existing rapport with their audience. This resulted in a more organic and seamless integration of our brand into their content, which resonated more effectively than traditional advertising. We observed a significant increase of 34% in engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares, as well as a measurable uptick in website traffic and conversions attributed to influencer-driven referrals. The innovative use of micro-influencers allowed us to adapt to the platform's algorithm changes by prioritizing authenticity and community connection.

    Chaitsi Ahuja
    Chaitsi AhujaFounder & CEO, Brown Living

    Fortify Topical Authority for SEO Agility

    For those who are in the SEO industry, I think we all noticed that Google's March 2024 core algorithm updates (HCU, Spam, INP) sent shockwaves in traffic and visibility rates through huge sectors of the websites that rely on Google for visits, including my own and my customer blogs.

    Many of these sites relied heavily on informational content (ToFu), the bread and butter of many content creators. So, in a nutshell, this update resulted in a significant traffic drop.

    Fortunately, in my case, I had a strong foundation in place. My SEO strategy prioritizes building a robust topical architecture before delving into micro-niches. Think of it as establishing the core structure of a building before decorating the individual rooms.

    This approach initially yielded fantastic results, taking my blogs and sites from 0 to 6–10k monthly visitors in a competitive niche within 3 months. However, this update demanded a strategic shift.

    So, instead of panicking, I implemented a data-driven, successful strategy that relied on content audits and amplifications—I meticulously reviewed and revamped the most affected pages, aiming to make them 10x better and provide exceptional value for visitors. I also focused on micro-niche mastery as I shifted focus to a single, specific micro-niche within the broader topic. This involved plugging content gaps and ensuring comprehensive coverage of the area.

    The results? Not only did I bounce back from the 'Google Hits,' but my traffic now sits at a healthy 15–20k monthly visitors and is still going up.

    The key takeaway? Adaptability is paramount. By focusing on fixing the damage and fortifying topical authority, I not only recovered from the update but emerged stronger.

    This experience perfectly illustrates how SEO and marketing strategies are intertwined. A solid SEO foundation provided the agility and resilience needed to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

    This is just one example, but it emphasizes the importance of being prepared to pivot your marketing approach when the algorithm dictates.

    Ahmed Yousuf
    Ahmed YousufFinancial Author & SEO Expert, Coin Time

    Diversify Content Across Platforms

    I've changed my content approach as one way to respond to key platform algorithm adjustments in my marketing tactics. I now concentrate on producing a variety of content types (such as videos, blog articles, and infographics) and dispersing them across numerous platforms, rather than mainly depending on one kind of content or platform.

    By using this strategy, I can lessen my dependency on any one platform and reduce the effect that algorithm changes will have on my overall marketing plan. This content reads as if it is human-written. To promptly detect any changes in engagement or reach and adjust my methods accordingly, I also closely monitor statistics and user feedback.

    Overall, I've been able to effectively reach my target audience and maintain a continuous presence despite changes on a major platform by diversifying my content strategy and remaining flexible in reaction to algorithm changes.

    Yash Gangwal
    Yash GangwalFounder, Urban Monkey

    Leverage Novel Technologies

    When a major social media platform updated its algorithm, drastically reducing organic reach, our agency, Innovate, took a creative leap by integrating augmented reality (AR) experiences into social media campaigns.

    Instead of relying solely on conventional posts, we designed interactive AR filters related to our client's products. For a local cafe, we created a 'virtual barista' filter where users could learn to make the cafe’s signature drink. This approach not only bypassed the limitations set by the new algorithm but also boosted user engagement and shares, leveraging the novelty of AR to create viral content.

    This strategy significantly enhanced our clients' visibility and interaction rates, demonstrating that innovative, tech-forward solutions can turn algorithmic challenges into marketing opportunities.

    Daniel Bunn
    Daniel BunnManaging Director, Innovate Agency

    Minimize AI Tool Use

    In response to the recent AI content algorithm update by Google, we've strategically shifted our approach by minimizing the use of AI tools not only for content generation but also for editing, such as Grammarly. This careful adaptation ensures our content remains authentic and human-centric, aligning more closely with Google's renewed emphasis on originality and the genuine value provided to users.

    We have to realize that AI tools are just for structuring and not writing. This distinction is crucial because it shapes how we approach content creation in the current digital landscape. By leveraging AI for organizing ideas, outlining articles, and suggesting improvements, we can enhance efficiency without compromising the unique voice and authenticity that algorithms and users alike value. Thus, our strategy integrates AI as an assistant in the creative process, not as the creator, maintaining the human touch that resonates with our audience and adheres to algorithmic preferences.

    David Rubie-Todd
    David Rubie-ToddCo-Founder & Marketing Head, Sticker It

    Shift to Niche Targeting

    In response to algorithm changes on a major platform, such as Facebook, one way that I have adapted my marketing tactics is by shifting towards more niche targeting. By focusing on specific audience segments rather than broad demographics, I have been able to work around the algorithm changes and still reach potential customers effectively. For example, instead of targeting all women between the ages of 25-40 in a certain location, I now identify more nuanced attributes such as interests, behaviors, or purchasing habits that align with my product or service. This approach allows me to connect with a more engaged audience who are more likely to respond positively to my marketing efforts despite any shifts in the platform's algorithms. By honing in on these smaller segments and delivering tailored messaging that speaks directly to their needs or preferences, I am better equipped to navigate algorithm updates and maintain a successful marketing strategy in a constantly evolving digital landscape.

    Carly Hill
    Carly HillOperations Manager, Virtual Holiday Party