What Recent Digital Marketing Trend Have You Leveraged for a Campaign?


    What Recent Digital Marketing Trend Have You Leveraged for a Campaign?

    Genuine insights require more than generic statements, and this article brings them from the seasoned minds of a Managing Director and a Digital Marketing Executive. The biggest game-changer today? Discover how short-form video content has been a powerful tool. There are eight exhaustive insights, closing with the groundbreaking use of hyper-personalization. Ready to revolutionize your marketing strategy?

    • Leverage Short-Form Video Content
    • Utilize Interactive Content
    • Implement AI-Driven Personalization
    • Engage Through Influencer Marketing
    • Automate with ManyChat
    • Harness User-Generated Content
    • Deploy AI-Powered Chatbots
    • Adopt Hyper-Personalization

    Leverage Short-Form Video Content

    One recent trend I've leveraged is the rise of short-form video content, particularly on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. For a recent campaign promoting a lifestyle brand, we created a series of 15-to 30-second videos showcasing the product in various real-life scenarios.

    To incorporate this trend effectively, we focused on creating authentic, relatable content that resonated with our target audience. We collaborated with micro-influencers who aligned with the brand’s values to create user-generated-style content. This approach helped build trust and engagement with potential customers.

    We also utilized popular audio tracks and hashtag challenges to increase discoverability and encourage user participation. By analyzing platform-specific metrics and A/B testing different video formats, we optimized our content strategy throughout the campaign. The results were impressive, with significantly higher engagement rates compared to our traditional social media posts. We saw an increase in brand awareness, website traffic, and, ultimately, conversions. This campaign demonstrated the power of adapting to evolving consumer preferences and platform algorithms.

    Emma Sansom
    Emma SansomManaging Director, Flamingo Marketing Strategies

    Utilize Interactive Content

    A recent trend in digital marketing that we leveraged for a campaign at TruBridge is the use of interactive content to engage and educate our audience. Specifically, we incorporated interactive calculators into one of our campaigns aimed at healthcare providers, focusing on helping them understand the potential cost-savings of adopting our revenue cycle management (RCM) solutions.

    Interactive content is a growing trend because it allows users to engage directly with a brand and receive personalized insights, making the experience more memorable and valuable. For our campaign, we created an RCM cost-savings calculator that allowed healthcare administrators to input key data points, such as the number of claims processed monthly and their current denial rate. The calculator then provided a customized estimate of how much they could save annually by implementing our solution.

    We promoted the calculator through email marketing, social media, and on our website. By offering immediate, relevant value, it encouraged potential leads to engage with our content in a more meaningful way. This interactive element increased the time users spent on our site and significantly improved our lead-generation efforts, as users were more willing to provide their contact details to receive tailored insights.

    The campaign saw a higher conversion rate than traditional content-based campaigns because the interactive calculator delivered personalized, actionable insights to each user, demonstrating the tangible benefits of our solution. This trend of interactive content has proven to be an effective way to not only engage users but also guide them further down the sales funnel by addressing their specific needs in real-time.

    Sandra Stoughton
    Sandra StoughtonDirector, Marketing Operations, TruBridge

    Implement AI-Driven Personalization

    A recent trend I've successfully leveraged for a campaign is the use of AI-driven personalization in digital marketing. Personalization has become crucial in today's competitive landscape, but AI takes it a step further by analyzing vast amounts of user data to deliver hyper-targeted content.

    For one campaign, we implemented AI tools to analyze user behavior, segment audiences more efficiently, and deliver personalized product recommendations via email and social media ads. This not only improved engagement rates but also significantly boosted conversion rates. By tailoring content based on real-time data, we provided users with relevant offers that resonated with their needs.

    We also utilized AI chatbots for customer service, providing instant responses to frequently asked questions. This enhanced the customer experience, reduced bounce rates, and helped increase overall satisfaction.

    By incorporating AI-driven personalization, we were able to make our marketing efforts more efficient and customer-centric, leading to better outcomes and higher ROI.

    Nikita Shah
    Nikita ShahDigital Marketing Executive, WPWeb Infotech

    Engage Through Influencer Marketing

    A recent trend in digital marketing that I've leveraged is influencer marketing. This approach involves partnering with individuals who have a strong social media presence to promote products or services. To incorporate this trend into my campaigns, I identified influencers whose audiences align with my target market. For example, I collaborated with a popular lifestyle influencer to showcase our products in an authentic way. They created engaging content featuring our offerings, which helped us reach a broader audience and build credibility through their established trust with followers.

    The results were impressive! The influencer’s posts generated significant engagement, leading to increased traffic to our website and a boost in sales. By utilizing influencer marketing, we were able to tap into new customer segments that we might not have reached through traditional advertising methods. This trend not only enhanced our brand visibility but also fostered a sense of community around our products, as potential customers were more likely to trust recommendations from someone they admire.

    Greg Walters
    Greg WaltersCo-Founder, SEO Modify

    Automate with ManyChat

    A recent trend in digital marketing that I have used at length is the use of ManyChat for automation. I have found that ManyChat is a powerful tool for automating a few different areas of my business and the business of my clients.

    In a recent campaign, I used ManyChat to create an automated conversation flow for a client's Instagram page. The chatbot would greet visitors immediately after they interacted with the page (commented a word on a post) by sending a friendly message introducing the brand. From there, it offered information about the client's services and gave them an opportunity to opt into their lead magnet.

    I also added personalization by programming the bot to use the user's name, which made the interaction feel more human and engaging. This approach allowed me to handle multiple inquiries at once and contact the leads right away after commenting on a post. It also helped guide people through the decision-making process by asking the right questions and providing instant answers and a next step. Not only did this increase engagement, but it also led to a noticeable rise in conversions, because users received the information they needed quickly and easily.

    By incorporating ManyChat, I was able to create a seamless and personalized experience that kept users engaged and moving toward making a purchase without the need for constant manual intervention.

    Justin Schulze
    Justin SchulzeDigital Marketing Expert, Schulze Creative

    Harness User-Generated Content

    One of the most powerful trends in digital marketing that we’ve recently leveraged is the growing importance of user-generated content (UGC). At Growth Spurt, we’ve seen how UGC can significantly amplify a brand’s presence and credibility, particularly in industries where trust and authenticity are key—like beauty.

    We applied this trend in a campaign for a niche beauty brand that was looking to deepen its connection with its audience and boost sales. Instead of relying solely on polished, traditional advertisements, we shifted our focus to UGC, harnessing the voices of real customers and micro-influencers who were genuinely passionate about the brand.

    We collaborated with influencers who had strong, engaged followings in the beauty community and encouraged them to create content that showcased their honest experiences with the brand’s products. This included everything from unboxing videos and tutorials to everyday use cases and testimonials. The authenticity of these videos resonated deeply with the audience, who could see the products in action and hear unbiased opinions.

    The impact was significant. Social media engagement increased dramatically, with the brand’s posts garnering more likes, shares, and comments than ever before. More importantly, this translated into a notable increase in website traffic and sales, as customers felt more confident in making a purchase after seeing others rave about the products.

    Leveraging UGC not only helped the brand achieve its immediate marketing goals but also established a foundation of trust and authenticity that continues to benefit them. This approach has reinforced our belief in the power of UGC, and we continue to integrate it into our campaigns for maximum impact.

    Taylor Walker
    Taylor WalkerCo-Founder & CEO, Growth Spurt

    Deploy AI-Powered Chatbots

    A recent trend we leveraged at BOU Digital is the use of AI-powered chatbots for lead generation. With more service-based businesses seeking real-time customer engagement, we incorporated intelligent chatbots on client websites to streamline customer interactions and capture leads more efficiently.

    For one of our home-services clients, we set up a chatbot that engaged website visitors by asking key questions based on their service needs, such as, "Are you looking for plumbing or electrical services?" or "Do you need same-day service?" This allowed us to qualify leads before passing them to the sales team.

    We also integrated the chatbot with CRM systems to ensure all captured data was automatically logged for future follow-ups. By incorporating this trend, we not only increased lead-conversion rates but also reduced response times, which improved customer satisfaction.

    This strategy was effective because it offered immediate value to the user while capturing crucial information for the business, helping clients generate more high-quality leads.

    Billy CarrollCEO, BOU Digital

    Adopt Hyper-Personalization

    One trend I've recently jumped on is the rise of hyper-personalization, and it's been a game-changer. Instead of generic mass messaging, we've moved to a much more targeted approach by leveraging real-time data and user behavior to deliver tailored experiences.

    In one recent campaign, we incorporated this by using in-app personalization powered by Jimo's own tools. Here's how it worked: we segmented users based on where they were in the product journey—new users, power users, or those about to churn. Then, we triggered personalized product tours, messages, and surveys at key moments for each user type.

    For example, a new user would get a friendly nudge to explore a feature they hadn't touched yet, while a long-time user would receive tips on advanced features they hadn't discovered. This wasn't just limited to tours; we also embedded dynamic surveys asking for feedback on specific actions they'd just completed. It felt like a conversation rather than a campaign, which drove engagement through the roof.

    The result? Higher activation rates for new users and a measurable reduction in churn, all thanks to serving the right message at the right time. Hyper-personalization is no longer just a trend—it's the new standard.

    Thomas Moussafer
    Thomas MoussaferCo-Founder