What Recent Digital Marketing Trends Have Been Successfully Capitalized On?


    What Recent Digital Marketing Trends Have Been Successfully Capitalized On?

    In the fast-evolving landscape of digital marketing, we've gathered insights from Directors and Founders to uncover the most impactful trends they've recently harnessed. From leveraging AI-driven content creation to educating with short-form video clips, explore the diverse strategies in these nine expert responses.

    • Leverage AI-Driven Content Creation
    • Emphasize Human-Created Storytelling
    • Integrate Video Content Strategically
    • Utilize AI with Human Oversight
    • Optimize for Voice Search Success
    • Experiment with Vertical Video on LinkedIn
    • Focus on Detailed, In-Depth Content
    • Create Short-Form Educational Content
    • Educate with Short-Form Video Clips

    Leverage AI-Driven Content Creation

    One significant trend we've capitalized on recently is the use of AI-driven content-creation tools. These tools have revolutionized the way we generate and deploy content for SEO and content marketing campaigns. By leveraging AI for routine content generation, we can focus more on strategy and creative narratives, enhancing both the efficiency and the effectiveness of our content offerings. This has allowed us to stay ahead of content trends and consistently produce high-quality, SEO-optimized material that drives engagement and conversions.

    Integrating AI-driven content creation involved both technology adoption and process adaptation. We trained our team to use AI tools effectively, setting guidelines for when and how to use AI-generated content versus human-crafted content. This allowed us to maintain a balance between efficiency and quality, ensuring that all content aligns with our high standards and strategic goals.

    Marc Bishop
    Marc BishopDirector, Wytlabs

    Emphasize Human-Created Storytelling

    In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, we've learned that AI tools aren't the omnipotent solutions we once imagined. They come with their own set of flaws and limitations, which is where the human touch becomes invaluable. While many rely on AI-generated content, the importance of authentic human conversation cannot be overstated. Your audience craves real, genuine communication that resonates through the power of storytelling. It's all about fostering meaningful business-to-human connections.

    From childhood, we are captivated by stories. Although the tales of witches and wizards may fade as we grow older, our love for storytelling endures. We continue to seek out, share, and find comfort in stories that engage and inspire us.

    At New Digital Marketing Agency, we create content that captivates your audience on a human level. This doesn't mean abandoning SEO briefs and target keywords; rather, it involves integrating them strategically, guided by insights from top-ranking Google pages. By emphasizing a relatable tone of voice, employing conversational and colloquial language, and breaking down complex topics as if conversing with a friend, we craft stories that people love to hear and feel compelled to follow to the very end.

    Alex Martkovich
    Alex MartkovichFounder, New Digital

    Integrate Video Content Strategically

    One trend in digital marketing I've recently capitalized on is the rise of video content. Recognizing its increasing popularity and effectiveness in engaging audiences, I integrated video marketing into our strategy by creating informative and visually appealing videos that highlight our products and services.

    For example, we developed a series of short, educational videos showcasing product demonstrations and customer testimonials. These videos were optimized for various platforms, including social media channels and our website. Strategically promoting them through targeted advertising and organic sharing helped us effectively amplify our reach and engagement.

    This approach not only captured the attention of our target audience but also enhanced our brand's storytelling capabilities. Leveraging video content allowed us to convey our messages more dynamically and authentically, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and fostering stronger connections with our audience.

    Emma Sansom
    Emma SansomManaging Director, Flamingo Marketing Strategies

    Utilize AI with Human Oversight

    AI has empowered us to think differently about our content-delivery process in an exciting way. The tools we employ have enabled our team to source inspiration and jump-start long-form content, being produced more efficiently, which makes it much easier to stay on top of our marketing goals. However, while the tools have offered impressive output for image production, long-form content, and code generation, the reality is that generative AI has only gotten us 85-90% of the way. In many cases, it still requires human intervention for testing, quality control, and implementation. That said, the manual burden has been eased, and that makes a world of difference for our team’s capacity, individual workload, and turnaround time.

    James Weiss
    James WeissManaging Director, Big Drop Inc.

    Optimize for Voice Search Success

    One trend I’ve capitalized on recently is optimizing my website for voice search and voice assistants. As smart speakers and voice assistants like Amazon Alexa become more popular, optimizing for voice search has been critical.

    For example, with one of my e-commerce clients, we updated product pages to include structured data for products, brands, offers, and reviews. This allowed their products to be displayed as "rich results" when people searched for them using voice assistants. Within 2 months, traffic from voice searches was up over 50%, and revenue from those searches had increased 63%.

    The key is making sure your website content is friendly for voice searches by using natural language, focusing on intent over keywords, and including relevant structured data. Voice searchers have high intent, so optimizing for these searches provides a huge opportunity. For businesses already ranking well in traditional searches, voice optimization is the next frontier and an easy way to get ahead of competitors.

    With another client, a home services company, we set up a Google Assistant app to help people book and schedule services. Users could say something like "Hey Google, schedule an HVAC tune-up with ABC Home Services," and the Assistant would prompt them through booking the appointment. The Google Assistant integration only took about a week to set up but has already generated over $20,000 in new bookings.

    Voice search and voice assistants are revolutionizing how people find and interact with businesses online. Optimizing for voice can be a game changer, allowing you to reach high-intent searchers in a more natural way. The tools and skills required are really just an extension of traditional SEO and web design. For any business, voice optimization is a smart next step to stay ahead of the competition.

    Jesse Nelson
    Jesse NelsonFounder, Simpleman Digital Marketing

    Experiment with Vertical Video on LinkedIn

    I noticed vertical videos gaining more traction on LinkedIn, so I decided to test Instagram Reel-style videos to hook LinkedIn audiences. I found that mixing up your LinkedIn strategy with some more engaging, fun video content can pay off big time!

    LinkedIn has been getting saturated with static pictures of people posing at events or in their golf foursomes. People are getting bored. LinkedIn is still a social media platform with people connecting with people, or as I like to call it, P2P social marketing.

    I've started sprinkling entertaining Reel-style videos into my LinkedIn feed and those I post on behalf of.

    These videos have outperformed other videos on LinkedIn with as much as an 800%+ increase in video views versus more traditional-style videos (horizontal and professionally produced videos). In addition, I've seen some that organically generated 150% more engagement than typical photo posts on the same subject matter.

    So don't be afraid to get creative! Short-form video is dominating on other platforms. Adapt that trend to inspire and captivate your professional audiences as well.

    Kyle Turk
    Kyle TurkCEO, Meerkat Marketing

    Focus on Detailed, In-Depth Content

    Our agency has capitalized on Google's recent trend of prioritizing detailed content by revamping our blogs and service pages to be more comprehensive and informative. We've started focusing on in-depth, high-quality content. By doing this, we've not only aligned with Google's preferences but also provided greater value to our target audience. This shift has significantly boosted our organic rankings and led to higher conversion rates, as users find our content more engaging and authentic. Integrating this approach into our marketing strategy has proven highly effective in enhancing our online presence and driving meaningful interactions with our audience.

    Ajay Prasad
    Ajay PrasadFounder & President, GMR Web Team

    Create Short-Form Educational Content

    A digital marketing trend I’ve capitalized on recently is short-form educational content. This trend is extremely effective as it has high engagement, easy shareability, and digestible content. I have garnered over 7,000 views on TikTok by creating concise and impactful video content that is interesting to our target audience and related to our brand.

    I follow a simple guide for integrating this marketing trend into my strategy. I begin by identifying key topics and breaking down the curriculum, such as daily study tips or test-taking strategies. I then use trending platforms such as TikTok and utilize hashtags to increase visibility and create the content utilizing visual aids. I maintain consistency and track performance by using the TikTok analytics tool to measure view count and engagement.

    Andrea Cuevas
    Andrea CuevasMarketing Coordinator, Achievable

    Educate with Short-Form Video Clips

    One recent trend we've capitalized on is the rise of short-form videos for JEVAS Combativas, our flagship project. We do this to educate people about the issues impacting Latinas across the US and the world. This comes in the form of TikTok-style explainer videos and podcast clips. We've created many short videos that people can consume and learn from. This has helped put our name on the map as the only Spanish-speaking feminist media group in the US and has helped us get featured on mainstream media sites like Remezcla and the Orlando Sentinel.

    Iza Montalvo
    Iza MontalvoFounder & Director, Jevas Combativas